Honoring Compatriot William Neal Colbath
Floral City Library
Withlacoochee Chapter, Sons of the American Revolution
Memorial Book Dedication honoring William Neal Colbath
Withlacoochee Chapter, Sons of the American Revolution
Memorial Book Dedication honoring William Neal Colbath
Back Row L - R 1st Vice-President Ed Gingrich, Jim Echlin, Norm Freyer, Immediate Past President Charlie Day - Past Chapter President Harley Nelson, Richard Sumner, Larry Sturgeon and Duane Finch. Front row L - R Bernice Colbath holding the book with Librarian TerriAnne Caraluzzo and Jack Townsend.
February 12, 2013, members of The Withlacoochee Chapter, Sons of the American Revolution, gathered at the Laurel City Library to dedicate a Memorial Library Book to Compatriot William Neal Colbath of Floral City, who died on November 13, 2012. Compatriot Jack Townsend, who purchased the book, "Why America is Free: A History of the Founding of the American Republic" by Kenneth Earl Hamburger, was on hand to explain a little about the book.
This book is written for youth which is meaningful because Neal spent many hours of his adult years working with the Boy Scouts and youth in his area. Scouting had honored him with the highly prized "Wood Badge Beads" and Silver Beaver Award during his life time. Today, February 12, 2013 we met with Neal's Widow, Bernice, and the Librarian, TerriAnne Caraluzzo to share our Chapter Resolution issued to honor the life of our Compatriot William NEAL Colbath, and to present the above book in his memory.
February 12, 2013, members of The Withlacoochee Chapter, Sons of the American Revolution, gathered at the Laurel City Library to dedicate a Memorial Library Book to Compatriot William Neal Colbath of Floral City, who died on November 13, 2012. Compatriot Jack Townsend, who purchased the book, "Why America is Free: A History of the Founding of the American Republic" by Kenneth Earl Hamburger, was on hand to explain a little about the book.
This book is written for youth which is meaningful because Neal spent many hours of his adult years working with the Boy Scouts and youth in his area. Scouting had honored him with the highly prized "Wood Badge Beads" and Silver Beaver Award during his life time. Today, February 12, 2013 we met with Neal's Widow, Bernice, and the Librarian, TerriAnne Caraluzzo to share our Chapter Resolution issued to honor the life of our Compatriot William NEAL Colbath, and to present the above book in his memory.