Withlacoochee Chapter
Color Guard Member Events
November 10, 2019
Massing of the Colors
The New Church Without Walls in Inverness
For the Committee for Veterans Appreciation Week
Withlacoochee Chapter Members present
Color Guard Commander Russ Gibson, Larry Sturgeon, Doug Brock and Bill Ferguson
Approximately 250 people in attendance
Massing of the Colors - Color Guard units from organizational units in Citrus County
Massing of the Colors
The New Church Without Walls in Inverness
For the Committee for Veterans Appreciation Week
Withlacoochee Chapter Members present
Color Guard Commander Russ Gibson, Larry Sturgeon, Doug Brock and Bill Ferguson
Approximately 250 people in attendance
Massing of the Colors - Color Guard units from organizational units in Citrus County
Color Guard Commander Russ Gibson leading the procession with the Grand Union Flag
Lillian Gingrich presenting Russ Gibson with musket owned by Ed Gingrich, who recently died, to carry in the Citrus County Veterans Day Parade
November 8, 2019 Veterans in the Classroom - Veterans Appreciation Week Activity Citrus Springs Middle School - 14 combined classes of 7th grade civics and history classes Russ Gibson gave the Founding Fathers and Flag History Program presentation to 239 students and 6 teachers at the Citrus Springs Middle School. This was hosted by the Citrus County School District |
One of the 7th grade students who was familiar with Alexander Hamilton due to seeing the play
and was part of the presentation of The Founding Fathers |
Russ Gibson in the classroom with the Assistant Principal having a good laugh
Citrus Springs Middle School Welcome sign on the podium
November 6, 2019 Veterans in the Classroom - Veterans Appreciation Week Activity Floral City Elementary School - Ms. Bishop's 4th Grade Class Russ Gibson gave presentations for the Ms. Bishop's 4th Grade Class at Floral City Elementary School. Russ gave "Founding Fathers", "Revolutionary War" and "Early history of the 13 colonies" presentations. There were 21 students and their Teacher in attendance and was hosted by the Citrus County School District |
November 1, 2019 Veterans in the Classroom - Veterans Appreciation Week Activity Crystal River Middle School - 6th Grade History Class Russ Gibson gave presentations for the 6th Grade History Class at Crystal River Middle School. Russ gave "Founding Fathers" and "History of the Flag" presentations. There were 109 students in attendance and was hosted by the Citrus County School District |
Color Guard 2019
Thomas Jefferson Camp #11
Commander - Russell Gibson

August 2, 2019 Russ Gibson and Dave Hitchcock presented the colors as members of the Withlacoochee Chapter Color Guard at the "Welcome Back Citrus County Teachers" .
The event was held at the Curtis Peterson Autorium at Lecanto High
School with 1400 to 1500 attending.
Pictures were by Charlotte Hitchcock
On June 29-30 2019 Russ Gibson, Color Guard Commander, attended the Annual Independence Day 4th of July Musical Concert of the Nature Coast Community Band. Russ started each concert by the "Pledge of Allegiance" and standing at "Present Arms" during the National Anthem. On the 29th the event was held at Citrus Springs Community Center with 360 in attendance and on the 30th at Cornerstone Baptist Church in inverness with 590 in attendance. Becky Gibson took pictures on Sunday
On June 19, 2019 Russ Gibson, Color Guard Commander and Dave Hitchcock, chapter 2nd VP and member of the Withlachoochee Chapter, presented "History of the Flag" at the Brooksville Healthcare Center. Brenda Parish, Activities Director at the Healthcare Center was the Host and Charlotte Hitchcock took the pictures with about 25 in attendance.
On May 18, 2019, Dave Hitchcock, Chapter 2nd VP of the SAR Chapter attended Armed Forces Day - Veterans Recognition at Brooksville Healthcare Center. Brenda Parish, Activities Director was the host. Service flags were distributed to veterans at the Center along with Awards, medals and certificates. About 35 people attended the event.
On June 9, 2019, Russ Gibson, Color Guard Commander and Bill Scheiterle attended an Elk Flag Day Ceremony at the Inverness Elks Lodge #2522 in Hernando. They participated in the Flag Day Ceremony and Russ Gibson presented a talk on "The History of the Flag". The ceremony was held on this day as the Lodge's Boy Scout Group was about to depart for a week long Scout Camp on Monday. About 50 people attended and Beck Gibson was the photographer.
On May 30,2019 Russ Gibson, Color Guard Commander presented Good Citizen Awards to 5th grade students the 5th grade Achievement Assembly at the Forest Ridge Elementary School. About 475 people attended.
On May 28, 2019 Russ Gibson, Color Guard Commander presented Good Citizen Awards to 5th grade students at The Fifth Grade Achievement Assembly at The Rock Crusher Elementary School. About 450 people attended
On May 28, 2019 Russ Gibson, Color Guard Commander presented Good Citizen Awards to 5th grade students at The Fifth Grade Achievement Assembly at The Rock Crusher Elementary School. About 450 people attended
On May 27, 2019 The Withlacoochee Chapter Color Guard, led by Russ Gibson, Color Commander performed at the 45th Memorial Day Service at the Hills of Rest Cemetary in Floral City. The event was hosted by The Herbert Suber American Legion Post 225. Color Guard members attending were Russ Gibson Color Guard Commander; Bill Ferguson, Vice Commander; Larry Sturgeon. Past Chapter President; Lenny Crawford; Doug Brock; Dave Hitchcock. About 200 attended that day. (Pictures by Becky Gibson, Chapter Auxiliary).
On May 23, 2019 Russ Gibson, Color Guard Commander presented SAR Good Citizen Awards to 5th grade Lecanto Primary School graduation students at their graduation ceremony. About 300 attended this affair.
On May 23,2019 Russ Gibson, Color Guard Commander presented SAR Good Citizen Awards to 5 audience at the Inverness Primary School 5th Students. This Celebration was held at the Cornerstone Baptist Church with about 450 attending. Photos thanks to Becky Gibson, SAR Auxiliary member.
At 9:30 am on May 20, 2019 Russ Gibson, Color Guard Commander presented SAR Good Citizen Awards to eleven (11) 5th grade students at the graduation exercises of the Central Ridge Elementary School. Attendance was about 350.
At 2:00 pm on May 20, 2019 Russ Gibson, Color Guard Commander presented SAR Good Citizen Awards to thirteen (13) 5th grade students at the graduation exercises of the Homosassa Elementary School. There were about 250 in attendance.
At 6:00 pm on May 20, 2019 Russ Gibson, Color Guard Commander, presented SAR Good Citizen Awards to three 5th grade students. The occasion was the graduation exercises of the Floral City 5th grade Elementary School which was held at the United Methodist Church in Floral City. There were about 200 in attendance. Becky Gibson, SAR auxiliary member was the photographer.
On March 10, 2019 Russ Gibson, Color Commander, Presented a Bronze Metal/Good Citizenship Award to Restaurant Owner, Kemper Willcut. This was at the Cove Pub and Grub in Inverness with about 100 people attending. Pictures by Becky Gibson

May 7. 2019, Russ Gibson, Color Guard Commander, attended Chrystal River Middle School "Academnic Achievers": award night. This was held at Curtis Peterson Auditorium in Lecanto. Russ presented "Good Citizenship Certificates" to 6th graders, Aidian Cordero Santana(L) and Garrett Brown(R). There were about 450 people in attendance.
April 30, 2019, Russ Gibson, Color Guard Commander, attended Academic Awards Night at The Inverness Middle School and presented three SAR Good Citizens Awards to students. There were about 450 people in attendance.
46th Annual St. Patrick's Day parade at Clover Leaf Farms in Brooksville. It was attended by 400 - 600 people. Withlachoochee Chapter members attending were Doug Brock, Charles Day, Bill Ferguson, Bob Folk, Russ Gibson, Dave Hitchcock, Jack Townsend
Color Guard 2018