2018 - 2019 Scouting
Arthur M. and Berdena King Eagle Scout Contest
The winner of the Arthur M. and Berdena King Eagle Scout Contest at the Chapter level was Lathan D. Dixon, the son of Dravin and Linda Dixon of Brooksville. He received the first-place award of the Eagle Scout Medal and certificate, and a cash award of $200. His entry then proceeded to the Florida State Society (FLSSAR) level of judging where his entry placed second. He was presented with a $500 cash award and certificate. In addition, The Florida State Society Sons of the American Revolution, Ladies Auxiliary, in recognition of Lathan's Second Place Award at the State level, presented him with a certificate and cash award of $100. During the nine years that Eagle Scout Dixon has been a member of the BSA, he has earned 58 Merit Badges. In addition to his scouting activities, his list of interests include community activities, scholastic, leadership, and. religious activities. He was home-schooled and participated in home-school co-ops to gain important social skills. In his last two years of high school he dual-enrolled in Pasco-Hernando State College earning 61 college credits and an Associate’s degree. Eagle Scout Dixon is currently a freshman at the University of Florida. Pictured from left to right are Eagle Contest Chairman Charles Day, Dravin Dixon, Linda Dixon, Eagle Scout Lathan Dixon, SAR Chapter President, Clyde Johnson and FLSSAR Past President Robert Folk, Sr.
The winner of the Arthur M. and Berdena King Eagle Scout Contest at the Chapter level was Lathan D. Dixon, the son of Dravin and Linda Dixon of Brooksville. He received the first-place award of the Eagle Scout Medal and certificate, and a cash award of $200. His entry then proceeded to the Florida State Society (FLSSAR) level of judging where his entry placed second. He was presented with a $500 cash award and certificate. In addition, The Florida State Society Sons of the American Revolution, Ladies Auxiliary, in recognition of Lathan's Second Place Award at the State level, presented him with a certificate and cash award of $100. During the nine years that Eagle Scout Dixon has been a member of the BSA, he has earned 58 Merit Badges. In addition to his scouting activities, his list of interests include community activities, scholastic, leadership, and. religious activities. He was home-schooled and participated in home-school co-ops to gain important social skills. In his last two years of high school he dual-enrolled in Pasco-Hernando State College earning 61 college credits and an Associate’s degree. Eagle Scout Dixon is currently a freshman at the University of Florida. Pictured from left to right are Eagle Contest Chairman Charles Day, Dravin Dixon, Linda Dixon, Eagle Scout Lathan Dixon, SAR Chapter President, Clyde Johnson and FLSSAR Past President Robert Folk, Sr.

Judge Ric Howard is presented SAR Eagle Service Pin by Chapter President Clyde Johnson. Pictured left to right, Charles Day, Eagle Scout Chairman, Judge Ric Howard, Clyde Johnson, Chapter President. Charlie Day and Ric Howard are also Eagle Scouts.
Judge Ric Howard is presented SAR Eagle Service Pin by Chapter President Clyde Johnson. Pictured left to right, Charles Day, Eagle Scout Chairman, Judge Ric Howard, Clyde Johnson, Chapter President. Charlie Day and Ric Howard are also Eagle Scouts.

Eagle Scout Lathan Dixon receives the SAR Eagle Scout Award and recognition certificate. Pictured from left to right are Charles Day, Eagle Scout Chairman, Judge Ric Howard, Eagle Scout Lathan Dixon, and Clyde Johnson, Chapter President.

The FLSSAR Ladies Auxiliary member Dot Day presents the Auxiliary cash ward and recogniton certificate to Eagle Scout Lathan Dixon. Eagle Scout Lathan Dixon receives.
Events 2018