A Withlacoochee Visit to Brewster New York
On September 22, 2016
“ Thank You For Your Service”
The Letter by Compatriot Richard H. Trout :
H. H. Wells Middle School
Brewster, New York
Dear Sir:
On April 28th of 2016, I was on a trip with my wife to show her our nation’s capital.
There were many school children also attending. I heard one time about 400,000. That
does seem a bit large; however the hotel we were staying at had eight busloads of
students. As elderly people sometimes dread coming into contact with our younger
generation due to lack of discipline, your group did not fit that preconceived idea.
I was tired, sort of angry with what I felt had become of our country.
I was at President Kennedy's burial ground, it was raining, cold, etc., when suddenly a
young lady in a group walked up to me and thanked me for my service, then all of the
students followed with the same thank you. They were the only group we witnessed that
day who seemed to have respect for themselves in dress and demeanor. After this
encounter, the coach came over to me and asked where I was from. I told him I was
originally from Mt Vernon and he told me his group was Brewster which is just a few
miles up the road. We had a small chat and I was totally impressed with his friendliness
and being in control of his young adults.
Prior to this encounter we were in the Smithsonian, and in the World War II exhibit a
young Filipino boy came up to me and asked if I was a WWII Veteran. I said yes and he asked if I served in Europe or in the South Pacific. I replied South Pacific, he suddenly beamed and ran to his grandparents who were standing in the background and said Grandpa I found one of the men who saved us.
The rug fell out from under me; I had never felt so humble. That day brought my life full circle, here in front of me were young people my age when a scared boy who had just turned 17 two days before, quitting high school and became a sailor in the U.S. Navy. A young boy thanked me for saving him and now I was in the presence of where it had all started and your students suddenly became full circle. I would appreciate it if the students are made aware of what their kindness has done for an old soldier. Thank you for teaching your students respect.
Richard H. Trout
11565 SW 75th Circle
Ocala, Florida 34476
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Outstanding Citizenship Award
Sep 23, 2016 | News & Media, WMS
Henry H. Wells Middle School received the Outstanding Citizenship Award from the Sons of the American Revolution.
Henry H. Wells Middle School received the Outstanding Citizenship Award from the Sons of the American Revolution.
Article by Charlie Day