2019 Poster Contest
4th grader Carlee Trombley from Hernando Elementary School was the first-place winner in Florida State Sons of the American Revolution Americanism Poster Contest. The announcement was made by Compatriot Larry D. Sturgeon, Chairman of the FLSSAR Americanism Poster Contest Committee, at the recent FLSSAR Board of Management Youth Luncheon in Kissimmee. Carlee Ann is the daughter of David and Lisa Trombley of Inverness. Carlee Ann was the first-place winner at the Withlacoochee SAR Chapter level judging and had advanced to the State level of judging. Her poster will go on to the NSSAR 129th Annual Congress in Costa Mesa, CA for judging at the national level. Carlee Ann was presented with the FLSSAR first-place awards including a first place ribbon, a certificate of recognition and a cash award. Pictured above in the left picture are first-place winner Carlee Ann Trombley and Compatriot Norman R. Fryer. Above in the right picture from (L to R) are FLSSAR President Patrick J. Niemann, Larry D. Sturgeon and David Ramseur.
SAR Announces Americanism Poster Contest Winner
The Withlacoochee Chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution has announced that Hernando Elementary School 4th grade student Carlee Ann Trombley was the winner of the 2018-2019 SAR Elementary School Americanism Poster Contest. The contest is sponsored each year by the National Society of the SAR. The theme of the contest was “James Madison and the Nation’s Founding Documents”. She best depicted the theme by illustrating all the documents and accomplishments in which Madison was involved. She was presented with the first-place cash award of $100, and a certificate recognizing her as an Outstanding Citizen. The poster will now enter the competition at the FLSSAR level of judging in Orlando in May. Pictured from left to right are Norman Freyer, SAR poster contest chairman, Carlee Ann Trombley, and her father, David Trombley, and mother Lisa Trombley.
The Withlacoochee Chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution has announced that Hernando Elementary School 4th grade student Carlee Ann Trombley was the winner of the 2018-2019 SAR Elementary School Americanism Poster Contest. The contest is sponsored each year by the National Society of the SAR. The theme of the contest was “James Madison and the Nation’s Founding Documents”. She best depicted the theme by illustrating all the documents and accomplishments in which Madison was involved. She was presented with the first-place cash award of $100, and a certificate recognizing her as an Outstanding Citizen. The poster will now enter the competition at the FLSSAR level of judging in Orlando in May. Pictured from left to right are Norman Freyer, SAR poster contest chairman, Carlee Ann Trombley, and her father, David Trombley, and mother Lisa Trombley.
On February 6, 2019, Norman Freyer, Robert Folk, Sr. and Russell Gibson presented the SAR 2018 Poster Contest to 120 4th graders at the Hernando Elementary School in Hernando, Florida. Subjects covered were, What is the SAR and why are we members? - Who were our Patriot Ancestors? - The Americanism Poster Contest theme. - Who was James Madison? - The Continental Soldier and what did he wear. Danita Consol was the 4th grade teacher that was host to the assembly with about 120 in attendance.
2018 Poster Contest
SAR Presents Framed Bill of Rights to Homosassa Elementary School
At a recent awards program at the Homosassa Elementary School, the Withlacoochee Chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution recognized programs that the school has used in the curriculum that includes the history of the American Revolution, (The War for American Independence). Incorporated in that curriculum has been the SAR Elementary School Americanism Poster Contest. The poster contest is used in the 3rd, 4th and 5th grades to create interest and enthusiasm in the that period of history that includes the Revolution. The SAR Chapter presented the school with a framed copy of the American “Bill of Rights”. Pictured from left to right are Alice Harrell, School Principal, who accepted the copy on behalf of the school, and Compatriot Norman Freyer, SAR Poster Contest Chairman.
L to R Floral City School REACH teacher Holl Herndon, mother Heather Underwood, first place winner Sylvia Underwood and SAR Poster Contest Chairman Norman Freyer. Sylvia, a fifth grade student at Floral City Elementary School, was presented with the first award certificate of Outstanding Citizenship Recognition and a cash prize of $100.00.
2018 Americanism Poster Contest Winners
1st Place: Sylvia Underwood
$100 8144 S. Kimberly Circle
Floral City, FL 34436
11 years old, 5th Grade
Floral City Elementary School
Teacher: Hollie Herndon
2nd Place: Trey Picard
$75 2362 No. McGee Drive
Hernando, FL 34442
10 years old, 4th Grade
Hernando Elementary School
Teacher: Danita Consol
3rd Place: Syver Lathrop
$50 5826 S. Candy Cane Drive
Homosassa, FL 34446
10 years old, 4th Grade
Homosassa Elementary School
Teacher: Ben Barlow
1st Place: Sylvia Underwood
$100 8144 S. Kimberly Circle
Floral City, FL 34436
11 years old, 5th Grade
Floral City Elementary School
Teacher: Hollie Herndon
2nd Place: Trey Picard
$75 2362 No. McGee Drive
Hernando, FL 34442
10 years old, 4th Grade
Hernando Elementary School
Teacher: Danita Consol
3rd Place: Syver Lathrop
$50 5826 S. Candy Cane Drive
Homosassa, FL 34446
10 years old, 4th Grade
Homosassa Elementary School
Teacher: Ben Barlow
On February 15, 2018, Norman R. Freyer, as Poster Contest Chairman, along with Russell Gibson, Color Guard Commander and Robert Folk, Sr., President of FLSSAR attended an event at Hernando Elementary School in Hernando , FL to explain the SAR Americanism Poster Contest - "The Battle of Pensacola."
Danita Consol, Gifted Students Teacher, was the host and 125 4th & 5th Grade Gifted Students were in attendance.
Three Major Topics were presented:
1. The SAR - Who we are.
2. The Americanism Poster Contest - "The Battle
of Pensacola.
3. A Review of Revolutionary War Uniforms.
Events 2018