236th Anniversary of the Battle of Groton Heights,CT
and Grave Marking at Colonel Ledyard’s Grave
– by Charlie Day On Sunday,
September 3rd, 2017
SAR Chapter Member Attends 236th Anniversary of Revolutionary Battle On September 3rd, 2017, Compatriot Charles Day, a member of the Withlacoochee Chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution, attended the 236th anniversary of the Battle of Groton Heights, in Groton, CT. Members of the Connecticut Line of the Connecticut Sons of The American Revolution Color Guard/Living History Unit were present at the Fort Griswold State Park. They were there for presentation of colors and participation in the commemoration and memorial ceremony of the Battle of Groton Heights, which took place on Sept. 6, 1781.
On that date, Lieutenant General Sir Henry Clinton ordered British forces under General Benedict Arnold to raid the Connecticut port of New London in an unsuccessful attempt to divert General George Washington from marching against Lord Cornwallis's army in Virginia. The raid on New London was a success, but the Connecticut militia stubbornly resisted British attempts to capture the fort across the Thames River in Groton. Colonel William Ledyard, leader of the defending force was killed late in the battle. New London was burned, along with several ships, but many more escaped upriver.
Earlier in the memorial service the Color Guard conducted a Wreath Laying and Grave Marking at Col. Ledyard’s gravesite located nearby. Ceremonies of the day included the reading by compatriot Day of the 88 names of the slain defenders of Fort Griswold. The Connecticut Line also placed wreaths inside the fort at the place where Col. Ledyard died. The Battle of Groton heights is a NSSAR Annual event. It is was hosted and presented by Col. David J. Perkins and the SAR Connecticut Line. Pictured below from the left are Compatriot Charles Day, FLSSAR, and Compatriot Colonel David Perkins, Commander of the Connecticut Line, CTSSAR.