The Last Naval Battle of the American Revolution
in American Waters
March 9, 2019
- Local SAR Chapter Members Celebrate Revolution Last Naval Battle
Color Guard 2018
235th Anniversary
The Last Naval Battle of the American Revolution
in American Waters
March 10, 2018
John H Wood. VP General South Atlantic District , Robert Folk Sr. FLSSAR State President, Lindsey Brock - Past State & National President, Russ Gibson - Withlacoochee Commander, and Charlie day - Past State Commander.
Front and Second Row - L - R: Charlie Day and Russell Gibson leading - next is Chuck Farmer and Hall Riediger. (State Color Guard Commander)
Visiting Contingent.
Charlie Day and Russell Gibson leading the SAR Contingent.
Commodore John Barry Chapter NSDAR.
Withlacoochee Auxiliary Becky Gibson and Dot Day with Chapter Wreath that was presented at the ceremony.
Events 2018