2018 March - Members Meeting
March 10, 2018 General Members Meeting Guest Speaker Dennis Dix, AICP, MPO Executive Director, Hernando/Citrus Metropolitan Planning Organizationspoke on the subject topics below:
The Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) is mandated by the Federal Highway Act of 1973 to provide a cooperative, comprehensive, and continuing transportation planning and decision-making process. The process encompasses all modes and covers both short-range and long-range transportation planning. MPO plans and programs are reviewed by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and the Federal Transit Administration (FTA). Each urban area in the United States has a MPO which acts as a liaison between local communities, their citizens, and the state departments of transportation (DOTs). MPOs are important because they direct how and where available state and federal dollars for transportation improvements will be spent.
As defined by federal and state transportation regulations, the primary functions of the MPO are to:
Establish the goals, objectives and policies governing transportation planning in the region.
Approve an annual Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) and budget.
Direct the preparation of, and adopt, the long-range and short-range strategies of the Transportation Plan.
Recommend projects for implementation through the adoption of the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP).
Perform the air quality conformity determination for the Transportation Improvement Program.
The Hernando County Planning Department provides staff services in support of the MPO program.
The Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) is mandated by the Federal Highway Act of 1973 to provide a cooperative, comprehensive, and continuing transportation planning and decision-making process. The process encompasses all modes and covers both short-range and long-range transportation planning. MPO plans and programs are reviewed by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and the Federal Transit Administration (FTA). Each urban area in the United States has a MPO which acts as a liaison between local communities, their citizens, and the state departments of transportation (DOTs). MPOs are important because they direct how and where available state and federal dollars for transportation improvements will be spent.
As defined by federal and state transportation regulations, the primary functions of the MPO are to:
Establish the goals, objectives and policies governing transportation planning in the region.
Approve an annual Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) and budget.
Direct the preparation of, and adopt, the long-range and short-range strategies of the Transportation Plan.
Recommend projects for implementation through the adoption of the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP).
Perform the air quality conformity determination for the Transportation Improvement Program.
The Hernando County Planning Department provides staff services in support of the MPO program.
Members Meetings