L - R: Secretary Larry Sturgeon receiving the Colors from Richard Sumner as the new Chapter Commander, Thomas Jefferson Camp 11 Color Guard. Back row: L - R: Registrar Robert Folk, Florida State President Steve Williams, Treasurer Jack Townsend and 1st Vice President
Clyde Johnson.
L - R: 1st Vice-President Ed Gingrich and Secretary Larry Sturgeon attaching "Last Naval Battle Streamer" received at Florida State 230th Anniversary presentation on March 8, 2014.
Minuteman statue presented to Color Commander Commander Richard Sumner for his 10 years of service to the Thomas Jefferson Camp 11 Color Guard.
Wreathes Over America- Color Guard today – L-R
Commander – Richard Sumner,
Past Presidents Harley Nelson
and Charlie Day with Edward Gingrich
Wreathes Over America - Presentation of Colors by
Withlacoochee Color Guard
L-R Commander Richard
Sumner, Past Presidents Harley
Nelson and Charlie Day with
Ed Gingrich