On March 15, 2017 Charlie Day and Jack Townsend, members of Withlacoochee Color Guard, met with Scouts of Troop 457 in Inverness. John Murphy, Scoutmaster had previously arranged to have representatives of Withlacoochee Chapter, Sons of the American Revolution, come visit the Troop. Charlie Day explained the SAR Eagle Scout contest and the two, triplet Merit Badge Certificate recognitions that the SAR offers.
The 2nd part of the presentation was led off by Jack Townsend. This pointed out the differences between the Continental and more local Militia, Revolutionary uniforms. It was also noted that varied local conditions and priorities existed along the eastern seaboard. The audience, which included some parents, took part in questions and comments as well. It was an encounter enjoyed by all and the scouts gave Day and Townsend a hearty cheer when it was time for them to leave.
The 2nd part of the presentation was led off by Jack Townsend. This pointed out the differences between the Continental and more local Militia, Revolutionary uniforms. It was also noted that varied local conditions and priorities existed along the eastern seaboard. The audience, which included some parents, took part in questions and comments as well. It was an encounter enjoyed by all and the scouts gave Day and Townsend a hearty cheer when it was time for them to leave.
[LR Scouts and SAR members pictured]
Vito Delgorio, Tyler Hartley, Jacob Everett, Charlie Day, Continental Uniform – Jack Townsend, Militia Uniform, Trie Wade, Michael Kane, Joseph Frampton.
Vito Delgorio, Tyler Hartley, Jacob Everett, Charlie Day, Continental Uniform – Jack Townsend, Militia Uniform, Trie Wade, Michael Kane, Joseph Frampton.