2016 Spring BOM Meeting, May 13, 14, 15
Withlacoochee Ladies Auxiliary Western BOM Basket
Induction of FLSSAR Officers for 2016 - 2017 by State President Larry Fehrenbaker.

Brooksville Resident Elected as Sr. Vice President of the FLSSAR
The Florida State Society of the Sons of the American Revolution (FLSSAR) recently elected new officers of the Society at the Spring Board of Management meeting held in Orlando, FL. Mr. Robert James Folk of Brooksville, a compatriot member of the Withlacoochee Chapter of the SAR (Citrus County and Hernando County), was elected to the office of the Sr. Vice President of the Florida State Society. Folk is a Past President of the Withlacoochee Chapter. As the FLSSAR Sr. V.P., Folk will preside over and provide leadership to the Regional Vice Presidents in association with the execution their responsibilities. He will coordinate the activities of the Regional Vice President’s and will assist the Society President in evaluating the success of the FLSSAR’s planned activities. As the officer responsible for the creation and maintenance of the FLSSAR short and long range plans he may present programs and projects when appropriate, to the Board of Management for funding and approval. Compatriot Folk is pictured in the front row center of the photo of the installation ceremonies above.
Withlacoochee members attending the Spring BOM & Annual meeting are L - R: Norman Freyer, SAR Ladies Auxiliary Dot Day, Charles Day, Larry Sturgeon and Robert Folk. Not pictured is Treasurer Jack Townsend.
FLSSAR members who have received the highest award given for service at the state or chapter level. It represents long, faithful and outstanding service at the state and/or chapter level. Front Center is Withlacoochee Patriot Jack Townsend.

Compatriot Jack Townsend Awarded FLSSAR Patriot Medal
Sons of the American Revolution, Withlacoochee Chapter member, Jack Townsend of Inverness, FL was awarded the Florida State SAR Patriot Medal during the FLSSAR State meeting held recently in Orlando, FL. Pictured above, front row, NSSAR Vice President General Edward Rigel, David Kelsey, Jack Townsend, Gerald Meeks, NSSAR President General Thomas Lawrence. The Patriot Medal is the highest award that may be bestowed by a State Society on a Compatriot for outstanding service to that Society and to the SAR. One medal may be awarded each year for every 500 Compatriots, or fraction, thereof, in the State Society. Three such medals were awarded at the 2016 Florida session. The elongated octagonal silver medal, suspended on a cobalt blue ribbon, features the bas relief image of General of the Army Douglas MacArthur on the obverse and inscription space on the reverse. It has only been presented in Florida since 1964.
FLSSAR members who have received the highest award given for service at the state or chapter level. It represents long, faithful and outstanding service at the state and/or chapter level. Front Center is Withlacoochee Chapter Patriot Jack Townsend.
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The Florida Society Sons of the American Revolution
233rd Anniversary Celebration
The Last Naval Battle of the American Revolution
National Event
Saturday March 5, 2016
The Florida Society Sons of the American Revolution
233rd Anniversary Celebration
The Last Naval Battle of the American Revolution
National Event
Saturday March 5, 2016
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Dignitaries Salute - Ray Wess, FLSSAR State President in center.
2016 Winter BOM
State Event
February 5 & 6, 2016
State Event
February 5 & 6, 2016
The Withlacoochee Chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution attended winter session.
The February, 2016, State Board of Management meeting was held at the FLORIDA HOTEL AND CONFERENCE CENTER in Orlando. Withlacoochee was represented by President Clyde Johnson, Larry Sturgeon, Jack Townsend, Bob Folk and Charlie Day. Ellie Folk, and Dot Day were also present representing the Ladies Auxiliary. A State Ladies Auxiliary meeting was held and presided over by State Ladies President Jeanne Fehrenbaker. The State Ladies Auxiliary often contributes funds and awards to help with our youth awards.
There was a training session held for working with the SAR Americanism contest. There were various committee meetings held that attendees could sit in on, the Eagle Scholarship Committee, Poster Contest and the Rumbaugh Orations. A short review of the new “Villages Chapter” was given. A number of the new Villages members were previous members of the Lake-Sumter Chapter but already lived much closer to the new Villages Chapter.
The business meeting covered status and work being done by many of the committees. Upcoming SAR Events were covered - The Florida Society SAR will be commemorating the 239th anniversary for the Battle of Thomas Creek (Jacksonville area). This ceremony will be held at Seaton Creek Historic Preserve Park at 10:00 AM Saturday 19 March 2016. Our Annual Anniversary Celebration of the last Naval Battle will be March 5 at Merritt Island. Lindsey Brock our past President General and his wife Billie were present at our Friday night banquet as were Michael Tomme, our National Secretary, and his wife, Cilla. The Friday Night Banquet included a fine Pot Roast dinner. We also had a presentation by the State, SAR Rumbaugh Winner, Talia Fradkin, and an impersonation of Jefferson, by Compatriot John Stewart. He portrayed Jefferson as an adult and showed how he rose to become a primary author of the Declaration of Independence. The Spring Annual Meeting will be May 13-15, 2016 and the Host is the SW Region.
If you are a male 18 years or older and would like information about joining the SAR please call Clyde Johnson at 352 584 8774.
The February, 2016, State Board of Management meeting was held at the FLORIDA HOTEL AND CONFERENCE CENTER in Orlando. Withlacoochee was represented by President Clyde Johnson, Larry Sturgeon, Jack Townsend, Bob Folk and Charlie Day. Ellie Folk, and Dot Day were also present representing the Ladies Auxiliary. A State Ladies Auxiliary meeting was held and presided over by State Ladies President Jeanne Fehrenbaker. The State Ladies Auxiliary often contributes funds and awards to help with our youth awards.
There was a training session held for working with the SAR Americanism contest. There were various committee meetings held that attendees could sit in on, the Eagle Scholarship Committee, Poster Contest and the Rumbaugh Orations. A short review of the new “Villages Chapter” was given. A number of the new Villages members were previous members of the Lake-Sumter Chapter but already lived much closer to the new Villages Chapter.
The business meeting covered status and work being done by many of the committees. Upcoming SAR Events were covered - The Florida Society SAR will be commemorating the 239th anniversary for the Battle of Thomas Creek (Jacksonville area). This ceremony will be held at Seaton Creek Historic Preserve Park at 10:00 AM Saturday 19 March 2016. Our Annual Anniversary Celebration of the last Naval Battle will be March 5 at Merritt Island. Lindsey Brock our past President General and his wife Billie were present at our Friday night banquet as were Michael Tomme, our National Secretary, and his wife, Cilla. The Friday Night Banquet included a fine Pot Roast dinner. We also had a presentation by the State, SAR Rumbaugh Winner, Talia Fradkin, and an impersonation of Jefferson, by Compatriot John Stewart. He portrayed Jefferson as an adult and showed how he rose to become a primary author of the Declaration of Independence. The Spring Annual Meeting will be May 13-15, 2016 and the Host is the SW Region.
If you are a male 18 years or older and would like information about joining the SAR please call Clyde Johnson at 352 584 8774.