Veterans Day Parade
Inverness, Florida
November 11, 2015
The pictures of SAR members were taken during preparation for the Inverness Veterans Day Preparation. The Parade was sponsored by the Veteran's Appreciation Week Committee of Citrus County. Other member of the SAR that took part in the parade but are not pictured, included Jim Echlin and [Two members rode in our Vietnam Car, a guest and Compatriot George Edge]
Charles Louis Day, Withlacoochee Chapter Past President and FLSSAR Color Guard Commander
Charles Louis Day, Withlacoochee Chapter Past President and FLSSAR Color Guard Commander
After the parade - Withlacoochee Chapter Compatriots Charles Day, Dick Young, Larry Sturgeon, Clyde Johnson and Mark Idle joined Fort Cooper DAR Ladies to provide Color Guard and participate in Wreath Laying at the County Court House in Vicinity of Veterans Monuments.
This program was also sponsored by a coalition of veterans groups and folks from Inverness and Citrus County Government.
This program was also sponsored by a coalition of veterans groups and folks from Inverness and Citrus County Government.
Parade 2015