Last Naval Battle - 230th Anniversary 2013 Merritt Island, Florida
The Last Naval Battle. Commemorating 230th Anniversary.The Florida Brigade of the SAR gathered at the cannon monument at Merritt Island to commemorate the 230th anniversary of the last naval battle that happened off the coast of Cape Canaveral, Florida, on March 09th, 2013. Three members and their wives represented the Withlacoochee Chapter at this memorial event. Above shows compatriots (L to R) Harley Nelson, Charlie Day, Lindsey Brock, and Bill Teater at the monument after the event.
Auxiliary members Dot Day, Maryann Teater, and Jean Nelson were present at the event with their husbands. Dot, Cilia Tomme, and Maryann pose together for this photo shown above. Not in the photo was Jean Nelson.