Presentation of SAR Bronze Good Citizenship Medal
The occasion of this photo was the presentation of the Sons of the American Revolution Good Citizenship Bronze Medal to elementary school teacher Mr. Ben Barlow, recipient of the award. The award was presented by Mr. Chris Bosse, Principal of the Homosassa Elementary School in the presence of some of Mr. Barlow's elementary school students.
The SAR Bronze Medal Good Citizenship Award were presented to Robin Hindley, of the Inverness Primary School and Heather Danczak, of the Brooksville Elementary School. The medal is presented by the SAR in recognition of their instrumental support of the SAR Elementary School Americanism Poster Contest and student education in the history of the American War for Independence. Pictured left to right are Larry Sturgeon, Poster Contest Vice Chairman, Heather Danczak, Robin Hindley and Norm Freyer, Poster Contest Chairman.
- The Bronze Good Citizenship Medal was authorized in 1895 and recognizes persons whose achievements are noteworthy in their school, community or state. The Withlacoochee Chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution recognizes efforts to educate elementary school students on that portion of American history, namely the Revolutionary War, which forged the writing of the Declaration of Independence and the establishment U. S. Constitution. In a time when these significant events have a tendency to disappear from the educational curriculum, those efforts are indeed worthy of such recognition.